X-Files Wiki

Samuel Mackey (played by Randy Oglesby) was a reverend in Blessing, Tennessee. He came up with a scheme to destroy the Church of God with Signs & Wonders by impregnating Gracie O'Connor, the daughter of Enoch O'Connor, with snakes. As the truth came out that O'Connor had been impregnated by Jared Chirp, Chirp, Iris Finster, and Enoch were all attacked by snakes summoned by Mackey. Mulder encountered Enoch trying to kill Mackey but shot Enoch. Mackey attacked Mulder with a snake and was able to escape before the timely arrival of Scully. Mackey disappeared and took up a new church in Connecticut, unbeknownst to the agents. Mulder hints at the end of the episode that Mackey might have been Satan in disguise. The last scene of the episode shows a snake coming out of Mackey's mouth, thus further explaining the possibility that he was indeed Satan. (TXF: "Signs and Wonders")
