Dr. Jack Preijers (portrayed by Jack Blessing) is a doctor working at the hospital Monica Reyes is at while in a coma after she gets into a critical car crash. Preijers also hides being a serial killer, responsible for the felonious euthanizations of multiple patients on the brink of death, as well as additional murders of whoever could catch him or lead to him being caught. The victims in the episode include Val Berriero, Stephen Murdoch, and Nurse Whitney. Audrey Pauley gives his critical victims' spirits a place to reside, connecting them with her imagination until it becomes another plain of existence, which she travels into herself to visit them. Before Reyes could be killed, John Doggett staved Preijers off long enough for her to wake up in her own body, leading to the opportunity of arresting him later. Unfortunately, this proved to be too late for one thing: Preijers murdered Audrey just before he was taken into custody, her corpse being found by Doggett when arresting him. (TXF: "Audrey Pauley")