X-Files Wiki

I really liked sriees one cos it was new and different and suitably creepy. Then I sort of lost interest - more because I tend to get bored very very easily - then I tried to return to it later but then it got abit skewy with Scully getting kidnapped by aliens (I think she was pregnant and had to leave the sriees for a bit) then Mulder leaving and then these new people turning up...Anyway!! Mulder and Scully were a most NAKED couple! take carex I really liked sriees one cos it was new and different and suitably creepy. Then I sort of lost interest - more because I tend to get bored very very easily - then I tried to return to it later but then it got abit skewy with Scully getting kidnapped by aliens (I think she was pregnant and had to leave the sriees for a bit) then Mulder leaving and then these new people turning up...Anyway!! Mulder and Scully were a most NAKED couple! take carex
