X-Files Wiki
Blackwood County

Blackwood County in 1998. The city of Dallas can be seen far in the background. (TXF: Fight the Future)

Blackwood County is an area of North Texas, south of the city of Dallas, Texas, United States (skyline visible in distance).

In 1998, Blackwood County was the site of a rescue situation when a boy named Stevie fell into a previously concealed cave and was infected and paralyzed by the black oil. Blackwood County Fire Department initially dealt with the situation, although another organization soon became involved and took control. A group of Blackwood County residents gathered near the cave when Stevie was rescued by men in white HAZMAT suits and rushed away in a helicopter. (TXF: Fight the Future)

Blackwood County residents[]

Unnamed residents[]


In 1998, four young boys were enjoying digging holes in the ground in Blackwood County, Texas. Suddenly, one of the boys, Stevie, fell into a large pit. One of his friends asked Stevie if he was okay. Another boy thought the pit looked like a cave and, when Stevie found a human skull, the same boy asked Stevie to throw the skull up to them. When subcutaneous worms began to crawl beneath Stevie's skin, his three friends were frightened and ran to get help. (The X-Files Movie)
